Dipl.-Psych. Karin Pommersheim

My Professional Career at a Glance:


Since 2023: Member of the Board of the Regional Office of Cologne for the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians of North Rhine (Kooperative Liste)

since 2015: Psychological Psychotherapist licensed to work with German Statutory Health Insurances
Since 2012: Psychological Psychotherapist in private practice
2012: Registered in the Medical Register of the City of Cologne
2011: License as a Psychological Psychotherapist
2008-2011: Training as a Psychological Psychotherapist at the Cologne Institute for Behavioral Therapy (KLVT)
2009-2011: Conducted outpatient individual, group, and couple therapies, Practice of Dr. Rainer Sonntag, Olpe
2008-2009: Individual and group therapy on a general psychiatric women's ward and in addiction treatment, Alexianer Hospital, Cologne-Porz
2001-2008: Studied Psychology at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main (Thesis topic: Differences in the level of mindfulness in patients with major depression and healthy controls)


Additional Professional Qualifications:

  • Trauma Therapy (EMDR), EMDR Institute Germany
  • Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, Dr. Rainer Sonntag, Olpe (and additional workshops with Steven C. Hayes, Russ Harris, JoAnn Dahl, Kirk Strohsal)
  • Training in Clinical Hypnosis (Milton Erickson Institute, Heidelberg)

Previous Experience: Several years of professional experience in the organizational and marketing sector for international companies (no, my resume is not linear :-)).


  • Psychotherapists’ Chamber NRW
  • German Association of Psychotherapists (DPtV)
  • EMDRIA Germany e.V.
  • Milton H. Erickson Society for Clinical Hypnosis e.V.
  • American Psychological Association (International Affiliate)

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